Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Neglect Bears Repeating!!

This isn't a balm for aching hearts; it’s not a friendly transpired tickle. It is but a thought that spawned from a video I saw today. It’s inspired from life and the privileges that we have and often tend to ignore. This is fueled by irrational thought processes and at the same time by righteousness.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. – Some earn it by playing for the nation; some earn it by devoting their whole lives to the misery of the destitute, some by singing melodies for decades together, some by creating music and some by inventing things that make earth a better place to live for all of us.

The person who inspired me to write today is none of the above; she is no Sachin, no Lata, no Rehmaan, no APJ, and no Mother Teresa. But she’s NO LESS…

She’s a woman from Nepal who has dedicated her life to combating the sexual exploitation of women and children. Yes, you read it right…CHILDREN. Anuradha Koirala and her group, Maiti Nepal, have helped more than 12,000 victims of Nepal's sex trafficking business.

This poem of mine is for each one of those girls and children who have escaped, suffered or succumbed to the inhuman act of trafficking for flesh-business…


Was I not good enough that way…

When I was a daughter, a sister, a friend, a human…

They have disfigured me with utter dismay…

But why have you ignored me with such disdain…

Need I be of your service; you pick up the phone and call him…

Did he ever mention to you, my mother is ill and bed-bound…

Need you ever satiate your lust, you use my flesh and skin…

Did I ever tell you that when I see the dark, my heart pounds?

I too had a brother, small and puerile he was when I last kissed him…

Then I came to this world so fulsome, where soul and love didn't mean anythin’…

I wonder whether father was right when he taught me of heaven and hell…

‘Coz as I see it, all my life, I’ve been part of an imposed sin…

Misconstrued as it may, coprolalia was not taught to me in nursery…

Shaken so much am I, I don’t know anymore what feeling feels…

If a hand comes towards me, I bare myself before it hits me…

How I wish to hell the wounds that you, yes you, gave me, heals…

They say I’m a house breaker, but I ask thee…

Did I ever see the sunshine wash my hands without a stare mutilating my peace?

People say I’m a harlot, a strumpet, a filthy whore…

Who’s ‘people’ here? Please, don’t ask me…

Now, all I know of family is the guy who pays me after you leave…

I ask you - Am I what I am myself, or YOU forced me to be?


We can’t feel what they feel…my words fail to express even a pinch of what they undergo every second of their lives…

All I can say is human trafficking is heinous. Let’s pledge to do our bit to spread the awareness – at the least.
As Anuradha ji says, “Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that it’s your daughter, sister or mother in that place, and then open them to feel the energy and the will power you find in yourself to fight the cancer of human trafficking. Together I hope WE can end it…”

For more, please visit:

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Once upon a time when I was in trance !!! [No it wasn't marijuana high :), kasam se !!] I thought of writing of something...precisely what, I didn't know ...
So i thought about stuff and the last thing i thought of was the word : Life !!! and then ...


The four-lettered word that intend to encompass the span between our first breath and the last. But is the time spent between the two events as simple as learning to spell the word : life ?
Yes and No - both i suppose. I don't know how someone can spend his/her life in the most fruitful way. I guess we all know yet noone knows. Is living life happily difficult or is it the persistent penchant for happiness that keeps us busy and far from happiness itself ?
Boiling down happiness and its sources to a bare minimum, we can again simply say that a person can be happy ONLY if he/she's happy...
Paradoxical ? Well isn't life so?
Truth stays apart from Truths and Lie wraps itself around Lies. Sometimes Lies make Truths and Truths seem Lies...
That's Life...
still simple?

I don't feel the way i would if this was a thoughful framing of sentences. This is a flood of characters from the keyboard and whenever i think of why I am writing this as I am doing right now, I feel I am in a trance :)

Sometimes I feel Life's almost as simple and as tough at the same time. Is it so or am i wrong?
Don't answer me...............................answer yourself. If your answer doesn't lead to another question then may be u r not being honest or may be u r GOD !!!

!!! take care !!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

wHAt do YOu fEeL ? ? &^$%*@

You are summoned back after long,
And you don't want to go more,
So many years have passed and you have designed a life of your own,
But you fail to realize that it's time to return to a life long forlorn...

You used to BELONG here,
were a very leaf of this twig,
so why to return do you fear?,
from the wide 'n' nasty world so big?...

To the place where you felt comfort at its core,
and to the arms of the tender abode,
a motherly bliss that in its heart it bore,
where miseries and " doings-un'you' " you can unload...

And yet you are back to this place,
trying to figure out atop your mind,
was it ever mine ? OR have i changed?,
why does it seem of some different kind?...

Time changes all and that we know,
and so the people back here aren't the same,
you "LONGED" to be back, but when you show,
you forget the reason of why you came...

The only reason of why I write these things...
To know "WHAT YOU FEEL?" whEn reaLiTy StinGs !!!

WisH U CuD bE miNE

Anxieties, suspicion, doomed to perdition...
or is it the way i think how bad this has gone?
Hoping and praying to be yours forever...
I left my ownself somewhere on the way...

Why is it always that i have to be...
blown away by ur actions unintentionally...
Or is it your intention to break free...
why don't u tell me "i don't want no more of thee"...

The world bestows pleasures so endearing ones...
Am i the only unlucky one to confront the guns...
Now i think its the saddism in me that speaks...
Volumes to me in endless walks by the lonely seas...

The world is so full of motley feelings...
But can they vie with the ones settled in my bearings?
Truly saying i can still say i am fine...
But deep in my heart, i still wish YOU could be mine...